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      L0228 | Projector Lamp

      Natural Light: 1900K-4200K, 1900K-6500K. Different CCT optional, create dawn rising to sunset glowing and provide natural lighting environment.

      Natural light*Architecture*People create mutual coordination harmony together.

      RGBW 4-in-one LED, enrich the mixing lighting effect, can projecting up to 60meters, and suitable for high building accent lighting application. 



      • RGBWK
      • 1900K
      • 2200K
      • 3000K
      • 4000K
      • 5600K

      Beam Angel

      • 15°
      • 25°

      LED/Light source quantiry

      • 27個
      • 18個


      • wal-mounted
      • ground-mounted

      Certification Type

      • CCC
      • UL
      • CE
      The 5 models
      Type Fixture type IP CCT(K) Fixture weight(kg) Beam Angel(°) Overall Size LED/Light source quantiry(個) Installation Certification Type
      • Navigation
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