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      L-DMX1 | Outline LED Bar

      100% imported acrylic raw materials, with EU ROHS and REACH certification. The use of German production process and formula technology, while hiding LED lights while maintaining the highest light transmittance and diffusion effect. Has a good smooth surface and straightness, UV resistance is excellent, can effectively avoid yellow, cracking and other aging problems.



      • 4000K
      • 6500K
      • 2200K
      • RGBK
      • 3000K

      Fixture weight

      • 0.7kg
      • 1kg
      • 0.4kg

      Overall Size

      • 500x38.6x72.8mm
      • 1000x38.6x72.8mm
      • 300x38.6x72.8mm

      Power Consumption

      • 5.5W
      • 11W
      • 3W

      LED/Light source quantiry

      • 24個
      • 48個
      • 12個

      Certification Type

      • UL
      • CE

      Control method

      • ON/OFF
      • DMX512
      The 15 models
      Type Fixture type IP CCT(K) Fixture weight(kg) Beam Angel(°) Overall Size Power Consumption(W) LED/Light source quantiry(個) Installation Certification Type
      • Navigation
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