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      L0250 | Bullard Uplight

      Natural light: 2200K-4200K; 2200K-6500K; A variety of color temperature selection, to create the morning glow to sunset, the sun rises and the moon shift of natural light lighting environment, natural light, buildings, people glow each other, natural comfort. RGBW light source, rich color mixing effect level, extremely narrow optical design, light casting distance up to 10M, suitable for building, garden landscape, plant lighting.



      • 2200K
      • 2700K
      • 3000K
      • 3500K
      • 4000K
      • 6500K
      • RGBWK

      Beam Angel

      • 15°
      • 36°
      • 46°
      • 70°

      LED/Light source quantiry

      • 3個
      • 48個

      Certification Type

      • CCC
      • UL
      • CE
      The 3 models
      Type Fixture type IP CCT(K) Fixture weight(kg) Beam Angel(°) Overall Size Power Consumption(W) LED/Light source quantiry(個) Installation Certification Type Ambient temperature(°)
      • Navigation
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